I want "smtp" and "SIP" email addresses too. Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: *** Email address is removed for privacy *** The e-mail system had a problem processing this message. I'm attempting to get the email address typed into the To field of a compose mail window. Safeguard Send. It allows getting and setting item-level properties that are not explicitly exposed in the Outlook Object Model, or properties for the following non-item objects: AddressEntry, AddressList, Attachment, ExchangeDistributionList, ExchangeUser, Folder, Recipient, and Store. It won't try to deliver this message again. Which property to access depends on … Thanks in advance Vikram Bitte teilen Sie mit wie der Recipient Cache in outlook 2016 nicht angezeigt wird. It checks outgoing emails after you click the Send button to make sure that you're sending to the right recipients, that you're not sending emails with sensitive or classified keywords, anytime you're sending emails outside the company domains, and 12 other outgoing email checks that Outlook doesn't do. Aus meiner Sicht ist dies I try to get the Address property of a Recipient, which according to VS, should give me the email. The tutorial explains the Recipient object and Recipients collection in Outlook and shows how to add and remove recipients, how to retrieve a recipient's SMTP email address and more. If you're using Outlook 2010 or later, there's a way of using the .PropertyAccessor Property. recipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser().PrimarySmtpAddress which always seem to give the email address marked "SMTP". PropertyAccessor PropertyAccessor provides the ability to create, get, set, and delete properties of objects. This is Outlook 2010 connected to Exchange server and all users are exchange users only. Yes, that's an Exchange DN type address (an Exchange Distinguished Name). If the recipient is in the GAL or a contact item you can use this type of code to get at the SMTP address: string recipSMTP = mail.Recipients[1].AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress; Otherwise you need to access some MAPI properties using PropertyAccessor. VB.NET code samples are available for download. I've never used this, but it could be worth looking into. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, in Outlook 2016 werden manche Kontakte doppelt angezeigt. Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: server.corp.mycompany.com *** Email address is removed for privacy *** Prevent email mistakes with the updated Safeguard Send add-in for Outlook 2016.

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