There isn't a lot of traffic on the other side. Therefore you would either say “there is a lot” or “there are lots”. There are some cars but not very many. These words are used with . "lots of money") ist etwas umgangssprachlicher. lots of oder a lot of schoolseasy ist ein YouTube Nachhilfe Kanal für Schüler, dessen Videos immer profesioneller werden.

When a lot of/lots of is used before a plural subject, the verb is plural. a lot of = many or much . Man kann außerdem auch plenty of verwenden, was eine formellere Bezeichnung ist. A ‘lot’ as used in the expression ‘a lot of’ and ‘lots of’ refers to a unit of something or an amount of units or a parcel that is offered together as one complete unit. lots of pencils. A lot of, much and many are used to talk about quantities, amounts and degree.

A LOT OF : A lot of can be used in all sentences: affirmative, negative and interrogative, with both countable and uncountable nouns. not a lot of = not many or not much . To me, both “there is a lot of apples” and “there are a lot of … There was a lot of space. a lot of money. The Prime Minister promised to implement plenty of changes until 2025.

Not a lot of people know that. There is a lot of traffic on one side of the street. A lot of - lots of with free online exercises, examples and sentences.

Online exercises English grammar and courses Free tutorial A lot of - lots of . They are both used mainly before singular uncountable and plural nouns, and before pronouns. Der Macher bietet verständliche Nachhilfe-Videos aus vielen Bereichen und erklärt Schritt für Schritt die Themen, die oft in der Schule nicht versteht werden. count and noncount nouns. To my mind, the word “lot” could be substituted with “box”. There are a lot of cars on one side of the street. A lot of people feel that way.

There is not much difference between a lot of and lots of.

Hier ist egal ob das Wort, was darauf folgt, in der Einzahl oder in der Mehrzahl steht. Online exercises, questions and negative sentences.

"Lots of " (z.B.

a lot / some / any . A lot of traffic = many cars . Lot, in this case, is singular, since it is “a lot” and not “several lots”. This is seen in the use of lot in an auction, for example one could say, “These 4 boxes will be sold together as one lot.” Over the use of this word in the history of the English "a lot of" und "lots of" bedeuten dasselbe.

Online exercises, questions and negative sentences. Bei bejahten (positiven) Aussagesätzen benutzt man a lot of und lots of.

Beide Ausdrücke können sowohl für zahlbare als auch für nicht zählbare Substantive gebraucht werden.

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