Growing up, aside from the Asthma I inherited from my Dad which is well under control and a bit of Anemia that manifests itself via rare bouts of tiredness and cold hands, I’ve always had relatively good health. Many of us are guilty of taking our health for granted. When someone is naturally strong and healthy (as some people are), it’s easy for them to take their health for granted, and forget to thank God for it. It’s easy to get into bad habits.

Why We Need To Stop Taking Things For Granted.

Faith Harrison. Read all 1 comments » User Rating: 5,0 / 5 ( 1 votes ) 1. Buried Alive (5/14/2011 6:06:00 PM) you're Bronx wisdom shines through (i too am from the bronx which aged me a hundred years) . There are large illnesses … Unfortunately, there are many things we take for granted, but I want to spend a few minutes talking about three areas, in particular, of things we take for granted. 11 Signs You're Being Taken For Granted In Your Relationship. We are all so much more fortunate than we give ourselves credit for.

I’m agile, pretty flexible (you wouldn’t […] Hiram College. In March I turned 53 and breathed a sigh of relief. Print friendly version; E-mail this poem to a … May 27, 2016. Far too young if you ask me. Every year we are reminded to get our annual vaccinations to prevent us from getting the flu. Comments about Taking Good Health For Granted by Audrey Heller. but u forgot just one thing-be careful of doctors- theyl kill u Reply. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC, the flu vaccine causes antibodies to develop in the body around two weeks after vaccination and provides protection from infection and viruses within the … Continue reading "Taking Health For Granted … By Ashley Fern. You see, these … We may think we will always be healthy because we have always been healthy. Longevity does not run in my family. June 6, 2013. Whilst you’re young, you don’t always see the negative effects of … But every day is a gift from Him, whether we’re strong or weak, and every day our hearts should be filled with thankfulness for all God gives us. Bri4nn4/Flickr 292 Being sick sucks. I consider myself very lucky…now. A little appreciation is nice, especially from the one you love. I am confident, there are plenty of testimonies in this room about how life … HEALTH. We Take Our Health For Granted Every Day If we are more thankful for when we are healthy, maybe being sick won’t be so bad. By Teresa Newsome. Apr 18, 2016.

I can barely remember my grandparents and my Dad passed away at 52, my Mum at 66. It is fair to think most of us take our health for granted. Everyone on the planet would rather feel healthy and energetic than worn down and tired. I’ve always taken my health for granted, to be honest. How many times are we told ‘don’t take your health for granted’ and how many times do we actually listen? That is a statement we can all universally agree on.

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